Sound Healing is just another facet to healing provided by and with Jodi St.Onge. Sound healing is proven to heal the body through the frequency and vibrations played over and around the body. Being that humans are made of mostly water, the frequency and vibrations are felt powerfully through the body. Removing blocks in the body with the power of soul. Jodi owns an array of crystal and tibetan singing bowls, each of them resonating at different frequencies and vibrations along the musical scale. Each tone assists the bodies into healing. Restoring balancing in the mind and body. Sound Healing is an lovely and powerful addition to the energy healings provided by Jodi ST.Onge, Jodi also provides public meditations at her office and various locations in and around the South Shore and South Coast MA and RI.

Reiki , is a Japanese form of hands on healing. Reiki is translated to mean, Universal Life Force Energy. It was founded by a Japanese monk, named Dr. Mikeo Usui. It is a healing modality that works along the same meridian chi lines in the body, similar to acupuncture and acupressure, just without the puncture or pressure. It is a form of hands on healing, where a trained practitioner, in Reiki, administers the energy healing to areas of the body in need. Focusing upon the bodies meridian chi points and energy centers in the body.

The practitioner acts as a conduit to the universal life force energy that flows all around us. As practitioners through study and practice, channels that energy into the body.

Reiki is very relaxing and does not cause harm to the body. It assists the body in activating it’s own healing within, through and often is described as experiencing deep relaxation, waves of energy moving through your body. Some people may feel an overwhelming sense of peace and love. Others describe seeing lights and color behind their eyes, with a sense of comfort and peace. Each person who receives, leaves feeling light and refreshed. Everyone experiences this form of healing differently than another.

Reiki can be used to treat various illness and dis-ease of the body. Through sessions, recipients will initiate their own bodies natural healing ability, thus promoting overall health and well.

Reiki is not affiliated with a form of religion or religious practice.

Reiki is not harmful, it is gentle in its application and reception.

Reiki will assist you in feeling more light hearted and assists one is feeling more positive in life.

Reiki will assist in relieving pain and lifting anxieties.

Reiki will initiate and promote health in the body

Reiki will bring peace and is comforting.

The list of benefits goes on and has been known to be extremely beneficial for all who receive it.

Crystals are a wonderful addition to any Reiki or Energy Healing. Each crystal and stone, resonates at a different frequency and vibration that can be felt in the body or even measured by science. Alone crystals are a powerful aid to anyone looking to heal the body. Their frequency and vibration interacts with that of the body or where it is laid, and thus change the vibration, shifting it to be more in alignment with health and wellness. All creatures and creations of this Earth, all carry with it, receptors to this type of healing. Crystals have been used for centuries through various cultures as healing tools for the body. Science has proven the power of crystals. Placing crystals on the body often accelerates the healing process.

As a healing practitioner Jodi will often layer crystals in various patterns and sacred grid work over and under the body, depending upon each person’s needs. To accelerate healing within the body of the receiver.

Reduce Stress ~ Heal Your Body


Reduce Stress ~ Heal Your Body 〰️

Energy Healings are a wonderful way to start and continue the healing process. It assists in just letting go of the every day stress, to promoting overall health and healing. Energy Healings are a blend of traditions, including Reiki Energy Healing, Karuna Healing, NPMDT, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing and Aromatherapy. As a healer and facilitator, jodi will provide a safe place to you to shed and let go and heal the body mind and spirit.

During a healing session, Jodi will step into a deep meditative state, allowing for the healing of the Creator and Universe to flow into the individual. Jodi will use a variation of techniques and modalities to initiate deep healing within the individual. She will incorporate various stones and crystals she is guided to use for each individual, sound healing is also added throughout the healing session.

All sessions are finished with spiritual insight and healing guidance for one to continue the healing process.

Energy Healings are traditionally 60 minutes in length


Become a Reiki Professional ~ Reiki Practitioner Classes


Become a Reiki Professional ~ Reiki Practitioner Classes 〰️

Coming July 28th

A great class for developing practitioners to come and practice and refine their skills with other Reiki Practitioners.

Sound Healing Meditations, infused with Reiki, Crystals and finished with Messages!